You Don't Have to go at it Alone!

Event planning can be a stressful task, on the mind, body, and wallet. Race directing pros and amateurs alike can always use an extra set of hands when looking to put on the best race possible. That’s why it is important to remember that you don’t have to shoulder the stresses of race planning all by yourself. Partnering up with other companies in the race space such as timers, managers, and sponsors can really help to divvy out some of the responsibilities and allow you to focus solely on making sure your event goes off without a hitch! You may be surprised at the amount of organizations that are happy to contribute to your event, whether it be through supplies or even monetary contributions. Now, like most things in life, not everyone will be on board, but if you remain persistent and motivated, there is help out there! Ask around, and you may be surprised at the amount of community support that is all around you!

Asking for help may seem intimidating to some. It is common to feel like a nuisance when asking others to join your cause, but fear not. A good bit of advice from us here at Crossroads is to start with close to home. Look into what organizations are in your surrounding area, you will be surprised at what or who you may come across. If your event is planning to raise money for a cause, look for companies and organizations who’s goals line up with your own. Finding that sentimental connection with others is an easy way to gain their support! Many organizations are happy to contribute for something as simple as an advertising space at your race; banners, mentions at pre-race ceremonies, etc. Not only will you benefit from their help, but they will also gain notoriety and community recognition. It’s a win-win!

Moral of the story here is that whether this is your first ever race, or your 100th, you should never be afraid to ask other for help. It can really take your race from good to great! We here at Crossroads Events and Timing wish you the best of luck in all of your race planning to come and we hope that these simple tips and tricks can help you to propel your event to the next level!

As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions for topics you would like us to cover in one of our posts, feel free to let us know at! Thank you for reading, and happy running!

Ethan Page,


Crossroads Events and Timing